Friday, 9 April 2010

Trying Again

Okay, if my streaming issues are fixed, then I'll try to review the Freedom givers again.

THE FREEDOM GIVERS - "Whose Side Are You On!" - This sounds like a cross between Carter USM, Chumbuwamba, and Mr Love and Justice. The band can be justifiably proud whatever our opinions on their lyrics. ***** plus

SILVER SERPENT - "The Voice of Doubt". Great bassline, excellent drumming, a fine song and the singer has a good voice. Liked the video but wasn't too keen on the sound production. *****

LE MONNIER - "Black Dot". She's a great bass player but I don't like her voice much. It's not a bad song. Maybe a grower. *****

JOHNNIE TAYLOR - "No Goodbyes". Sorry, I can't like everything. *

THE ASSORTED FAMILY CIRCLE - "Plane Crash II". Nice dramatic popsong. In places the singer sounds like Nick Cave, but he can't keep up that standard. ****

FOOLED BY CHANCE - "Salvation". Hints of the Who mixed in with krautrock and a singer who sounds like the essennce of indie. I have a feeling I've heard this before. *****

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