Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Keep on Keeping On

With not so much time available today (caused by another, less important vote) I'll only have time for one post so here it is.

SUSAN BLUECHILD - "Sunrise". She's from Dublin. I LOVE the video so much. Like her voice. Sounds like a kind of country-pop style to me. Not bad. ****

ACRYLIC IQON - "No Danger". This is a slow starter but builds up as the song goes on. It works best when the male and female voices are both prominent as if they're arguing with each other. *****

MILK - "Zappa Town". From Leeds. There's an early eighties feel to this, like a poppier Killing Joke perhaps. I'm not too keen on the singer but nevertheless ***** Plus

PLANETZIM - "Relinquish Control". Sounds like a Southern George Formby on some serious drugs. I love it and I hate it but I love it more. ***** Plus

CASEY FALLEN - "Crayoned Face". Complex Rhythm, doomy chords almost metallic, a voice that fits the whole thing. ***** plus. New number 17

DORIS BRENDEL - "Sorry". This is a great song. It deserves to be a hit. Her voice sounds a little like Bonnie Tyler but the playing is something new, something good. ***** plus. New number 14

LAURA BOWEN - "The Other Girlfriends' Club". I hope she won't be offended when I compare her to Lily Allen. The track is more rock-based though. Terrific. ***** plus. Now number 17.

TWO FINGERS OF FIREWATER - "Ride Out". Sounds like Ragtime. It's jolly and bouncy and kinda cute. Very pleasant. ****

JONNY WALKER - "Midnight in Memphis". Sings about Delta Blues and Rockabilly but doesn't play either. He sings and plays well but the song is average. ***

WHEELER STREET - "Young Man's Wish/Flinglish". I can hear the influences of The Who, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, The Dubliners and the Pogues. They've been spun in the food-processor and produced something charming and brilliant. ***** plus. New number 8

VILE ELECTRODES - "Play With Fire". This is a great song. The lyrics are kind of trite but that doesn't matter. As a whole this is a fine pop song. ***** plus New number 6.


  1. Yay! Thanks for the Vile review Alcuin. Wonder how long we'll be in the top 10! :)

  2. Number fourteen as of now VE... but that's high enough to have a great chance of me voting for you.
